Release notes for July 29, 2022

Here is a list of enhanced features and resolved issues included in the July 29, 2022 release of Eduplanet21.

Admin Tools

  • When adding users, an invitation is emailed that they will need to accept in order to join an organization whether they are a new or existing user. This is a change where previously users were simply added if they weren't an existing user in the system and if they were an existing user a ticket with Customer Care needed to be submitted. 
  • Fixed an issue where an error message may display incorrectly.

Curriculum Blueprint

  • Fixed issue where the Curriculum Blueprint failed to load if a logo wasn't set.
  • Performance improvements that significantly decreased load time.

Course Planner

  • Performance Improvements with significantly improved caching and reduced load times.
  • Fixed issue where the duration field wasn't displaying in some templates when enabled.
  • Schedule View: Additional filtering and movement options added to improve navigation and usability. 
  • Styling & layout improvements including the ability to display section prompts on hover instead of always displaying and to automatically expand/collapse each section when the Course opens for viewing.

Unit Planner

  • NEW - Image Cue: You now have the ability to add an Image Cue to use in your Unit Template. 
  • Fixed issue were Units in the View Units list may be displayed more than once if assigned to multiple Courses.
  • Fixed issue where disabled Subject & Grade level junctures were displaying in the Standard selection.


  • User presence and chat has returned!
  • The Cohort Collaboration Asset now marks complete upon successful submission.
  • Fixed issue with backwards navigation not working as expected between a Learning Path Asset, Lesson and Module. 
  • Fixed issue where the E-Library Topic filter drop-down wasn't filtering the E-Library assets. 
  • Fixed issue where incorrect numbering displayed and started at 0 on Assessment assets if the questions were re-ordered.
  • Fixed issue where the Institute Logo sometimes overlapped the Institute name.
  • Fixed issue where licenses weren't able to be changed and an error message would appear if the number of licenses used were equal to the number of licenses available for that Institute.


  • Analysis: Fixed issue where standards filtering only worked for users with Admin or Manager role.


Customer Care will continue to help you with support issues and answer any questions you have as always. Please don't hesitate to contact them!