Here is a list of enhanced features and resolved issues released through out March 2024
We are excited to announce a significant update to all public Curriculum Blueprint pages that enhances accessibility and ensures ADA compliance.
- New ADA Compliance Widget: We've partnered with accessiBe and added a new widget to ensure full ADA compliance for our public Curriculum Blueprint pages. This widget empowers users to adjust the Curriculum Blueprint's user interface to meet their specific needs without impacting other site visitors. Users have the option to select an accessibility profile, such as the "Vision Impaired Profile," which activates all relevant adjustments at once. Additionally, users can individually enable specific adjustments, such as increasing font sizes, changing color contrasts, disabling animations, and more to better their individual experience.
Feature Enhancement
- Users can now edit alternative (alt) text and title text on unit image cues by hovering over the image or avatar and selecting the edit button in Course Planner.
- Added the ability to change the 2 character alpha-numeric avatar text that is set when an image cue is not present.
Resolved Issues
- Course Planner: Fixed an issue in Course Planner where users who don't have access to Unit Planner were unable to see units associated within a Course.