Release notes for April 16, 2021

We are excited to announce the new and enhanced features and resolved issues included in the April 16, 2021 release of Eduplanet21.

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New and enhanced features

Resolved Issues

New and enhanced features

Knowledge Base

We are pleased announce our initial release of the Knowledge Base. This is available to all users and serves as a self-service resource for those looking for information on "how to" within Eduplanet21. We know this has been a hot issue amongst all of you and our team has been working hard and are extremely pleased to deliver this.

Below is a list of categories and their current status:

  • Getting Started - Available NOW!
  • Building Professional Learning - Available NOW!
  • Professional Learning Institutes - Available NOW!
  • Designing Curriculum - Available end of April
  • Additional sections to complete coverage of the platform will be available by the end of Summer 2021.

That's great, but how do I use it?

Accessing the Knowledge Base can occur in two ways.

  1. Look for and click the chat bubble icon in the bottom right hand corner of most screens. You will then be asked questions to guide you through a search process to find what you need! 

    Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 8.23.25 AM.        Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 8.23.37 AM

  2. Or you can click on the Help link in the navigation bar to access the complete Knowledge Base.Screen Shot 2021-04-16 at 8.44.09 AM

Customer Care will continue to help you with support issues and answer any questions you have as always. Please don't hesitate to contact them! 

Resolved issues

  • Unit Planner: When copying units in some instances the alignment was not retained in the the original unit. If you had a ticket in to customer care regarding an issue with one of your units, they will be reaching out to you regarding resolution.
  • Google Login: For some users Google logins were returning  an error message. This has been resolved. Please contact Customer Care if you continue to have issues.
  • Performance: Some performance improvements were made in various areas with more to come!

Administrators! Your CSM will reach out to you about these changes to answers any questions you may have.