Release notes for January 2023

Here is a list of enhanced features and resolved issues released January 2023.

Unit Status Report

We are pleased to announce the release of the Unit Status report, a new addition to our Analysis tools. The purpose of the Unit Status Report is to provide an “at a glance” look for leadership to identify if their current written curriculum meets all necessary completion requirements as determined by the school or district, and to ensure curriculum is fully aligned. The Unit Status report will:

  • Provide leadership with an overview of where work needs to be done
  • Show concerns with alignment to standards and goals
  • Provide a level of accountability for teachers who are required to develop complete units
  • Provide building principals, supervisors, and department heads a summary of activity and necessary actions for their staff.

Administrators! Please contact your Customer Success Manager if you have any questions about the Unit Status report or would like to discuss enabling it for your school.


Publishing Wizard

The publishing of courses and units to the Curriculum Blueprint has been improved with the creation of a wizard to allow publishing of a course and its associated units as well as the ability to create new copies all in one swift action. We know this has been a highly requested feature for a lot of you and we will add additional functionality in upcoming releases. Keep an eye out for new updates! 

Have feedback or would like to see a feature? Submit feedback or feature 


View Courses Table

The following is a comprehensive list of changes made to the View Courses table in Course Planner:

  • Quick edit: Ability to quick edit and update the name, team and meta fields (subjects/grades etc) of courses that you have edit access to without having to open the course.
  • Additional information: Courses can now be expanded on the table to show additional information such as the abstract/overview and associated units.
  • Searching: Searching using the text field now searches the course abstract/overview as well as the course name. 
  • Publishing status colors: The publishing status chip for each course is now displayed in color.
  • NEW Views: To assist in finding and sorting courses the available views are as follows:
    • My Draft Courses (default) - only draft courses that I’m associated to.

    • My Published Courses - only published courses that I’m associated to.

    • All Draft Courses - all draft courses available in your school/district.

    • All Published Courses - all published courses available in your school/district.

    • All Courses - all draft & published courses available in your school/district.
    • Archived Courses - only archived courses that I'm associated to (includes mine).

    • Deleted Courses - deleted courses that I'm associated to (includes mine).

  • FIXED - Visual display: When viewing on different devices or screen resolutions the View Courses table will display a best fit of information with the remaining information displayed in the Additional Information expansion.
  • FIXED - Filter state saving: When applying a filter, opening a course and then returning back to the View Courses table, the table now displays as it did before the course was opened instead of clearing the filter.
  • FIXED - Sorting:
    • when grouping: When selecting a grouping such as subject or grade courses are now sorted as expected. 
    • filters: The list of available filters is now sorted as expected.



  • Customer Care/Help: Additional links are now displayed in the Help menu to allow you to:
    • create a new customer care ticket
    • see the status of tickets you have already submitted
    • access the knowledge base
  • Curriculum Blueprint: The ability to hide subjects from your Curriculum Blueprint has been added. Please contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance with this.
  • View Units: The View Units table now has additional views to replicate those views from the View Courses table  for more predefined sorting and filtering options.
  • Performance: Various performance improvements have been made throughout with particular focus on loading of Courses, Units & Lessons.

Customer Care will continue to help you with support issues and answer any questions you have as always. Please don't hesitate to contact them!